JCC Roundtable examines priorities for infrastructure reconstruction in Ukraine
The Joint Chamber of Commerce Switzerland-Eastern Europe, Central Asia, South Caucasus (JCC) finished out the year with an event dedicated to Ukraine. The JCC Ukraine Infrastructure Roundtable which took place on December 7, 2022 at MAN Energy Solutions, Zurich was a continuation of the discussion begun at the Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC 2022) in Lugano. It was organized in partnership with leading Swiss and Ukrainian business organizations.
URC Lugano set the stage for post-war reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy, infrastructure and manufacturing sectors. The JCC Roundtable followed up on select URC topics by presenting current conditions in Ukraine, generally and in the infrastructure sector specifically. Irina Kucheruk, Head, Department for European Integration, International Cooperation and Investment Policy, Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine mapped out what has been damaged in transportation (rail, road, maritime), energy and housing, and the Ukrainian Government’s current plans and reconstruction priorities.
The Government of Ukraine is looking at the specific needs across the different regions this winter and beyond. Based on the highest priorities, tailored recovery and reconstruction plans are being developed to guide a program in each area. There will be a need for future assessments of damage, loss and reconstruction/recovery needs in Ukraine for which the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) has committed financial support.
There is a lot of expertise that Swiss companies can bring to the reconstruction process, especially in the areas of transportation, energy and urban infrastructure (which includes building construction, water supply and waste management). In light of this, a second objective of the JCC Ukraine Infrastructure Roundtable was to understand how Swiss companies can prepare and get involved in the procurement process, as well as issues of funding and insurance that are integral to this effort.
While the Roundtable raised some key issues, it is only a step in our program of events to inform the business community in Switzerland about conditions in Ukraine and how they can engage in supporting the country now and helping it to rebuild. Stay tuned for a full pipeline of JCC Ukraine online and offline events in 2023.
15:30 – 15:35 JCC Welcome
Dorit Sallis, Managing Director, Joint Chamber of Commerce Switzerland-Eastern Europe, Central Asia, South Caucasus (JCC) & Event Moderator
15:35 – 15:45 After the Ukraine Recovery Conference 2022: Update on Priorities and Next Steps
H.E. Mr. Simon Pidoux, Head Regional Coordination Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Ambassador-at-Large URC 2022, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA
State Secretariat, Eurasia Division
15:45 – 15:55 Overall Situation and Switzerland’s Contribution to Reconstruction
H.E. Mr. Claude Wild, Ambassador of Switzerland to Ukraine and Moldova
15:55 – 16:05 Greeting
Mrs. Iryna Venediktova, Future Ambassador of Ukraine to the Swiss Confederation
16:05 – 16:20 Setting the Scene: Economic/Business Landscape in Ukraine – Needs and Priorities
Anna Derevyanko, Executive Director, European Business Association Ukraine; Founder and Director, GB4U
16:20 – 16:40 Energy, Transportation, Urban Infrastructure – What is damaged? What are reconstruction priorities?
Iryna Kucheruk, Head, Department for European Integration, International Cooperation and Investment Policy, Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine
16:40 – 16:45 Monitoring War Damage to Ukraine’s Infrastructure and Ecological Environment
Nikolaï Denisov, Deputy Director, zoï environment network
16:50 – 17:40 Panel Discussion: “I am a Swiss/European company: How do I get my foot in the door of Ukraine’s reconstruction projects?”
Iryna Kucheruk, Head, Department for European Integration, International Cooperation and Investment Policy, Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine
Anna Derevyanko, Executive Director, European Business Association Ukraine; Founder and Director, GB4U
Sven Henniger, JCC Board Member and Chair, JCC Ukraine Chapter; Partner, Henniger Winkelmann Consulting Ukraine
Hervé Lohr, Deputy Head Bilateral Economic Relations; Coordinator, Ukraine Recovery, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs
Panel Moderator: Andrej N. Lushnycky, President, Ukrainian Society of Switzerland
17:40 – 17:45 Concluding Statement
17:50 – 18:00 Generators for Ukraine Fundraiser
Iurie Moraru, Vice President, Joint Chamber of Commerce Switzerland-Eastern Europe, Central Asia, South Caucasus (JCC); Founder, Mryia Ukraïna Charitable Association
18:00 – 19:00 Networking Reception
IrynaKucheruk_Ukraine Ministry of Infrastructure
NikolaiDenisov_zoi environment network
FUNDRAISER: Generators for Ukraine this Winter
JCC’s Ukraine Infrastructure Roundtable on December 7, 2022 in Zurich is an opportunity for JCC in partnership with the Mriya Ukraïna Charitable Association (founded by JCC Vice President Iurie Moraru), to put our efforts together and raise funds to buy generators for hospitals, community centers and households in Ukraine this winter. With its well-established logistic channels and contact network in Ukraine, Mryia Ukraïna will deliver the generators to the people who need them most. Please either donate a generator or make a financial contribution which Mriya Ukraïna will use to buy a generator. At the Ukraine Infrastructure Roundtable we will announce the winners and award them their prizes.
How to Contribute
To make a financial donation, go to: https://mriya.eu/finansova-dopomoga/
To donate a generator, please contact
Dorit Sallis, Managing Director, JCC
Iurie Moraru, Founder & President, Mriya Ukraïna