Swiss Export Ukraine Webinar
As of January 2024, the total amount of damage to Ukraine’s infrastructure due to the war stood at $155 billion. This includes the destruction of residential and non-residential buildings (ex. hospitals and schools), energy, transportation and industrial infrastructure. Although hostilities continue, plans for reconstruction on the federal and local levels are actively underway. This creates business opportunities for Swiss companies to provide goods and services in a variety of sectors. The traditional questions related to entering and operating successfully in the Ukrainian market are compounded by the issue of heightened war risk. Nevertheless, Swiss companies will be at an advantage if they keep an open mind about doing business in Ukraine and get ready now for the myriad of new projects in infrastructure (energy, transportation, construction) and other sectors, including IT, agriprocessing, machinery and automotive, in the pipeline.
On March 13, SwissExport in partnership with Swiss-Ukrainian Reconstruction Agency (SURA) , a joint project of the Joint Chamber of Commerce Switzerland-Eastern Europe, Central Asia, South Caucasus (JCC) and the Ukrainian Swiss Business Association (USBA), organized a webinar on Doing Business During and After the War in Ukraine. Sven Henniger, Partner Henniger Winkelmann Consulting, Kyiv, Ukraine; Board Member, Joint Chamber of Commerce Switzerland-Eastern Europe, Central Asia, South Caucasus (JCC); Co-Director, Swiss-Ukrainian Reconstruction Agency (SURA) discussed latest developments and current challenges in Ukraine, sectors of opportunity, business set-up and taxes as well as the do’s and don’ts of doing business in Ukraine. Dorit Sallis, Managing Director, Joint Chamber of Commerce Switzerland-Eastern Europe, Central Asia, South Caucasus (JCC); Steering Committee Member, Swiss-Ukrainian Reconstruction Agency (SURA) introduced SURA to the audience. Dmytro Sidenko, President, Ukrainian-Swiss Business Association (USBA); Co-Director, Swiss-Ukrainian Reconstruction Agency (SURA) informed about the Lugano Business Forum, the meeting point of all actors from Switzerland and Ukraine interested to get involved in reconstruction.
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