Reunited…and it feels so good!

The Joint Chamber of Commerce Switzerland-Eastern Europe, Central Asia, South Caucasus (JCC) represented by President Marcel Pawlicek and Director Dorit Sallis participated in Switzerland Global Enterprise’s (SGE) annual Aussenwirtschaftsforum (Foreign Trade Forum) on April 7, 2022 at KKL, Luzern. After two years of virtual gatherings, the event was once again held in person. It was the occasion not only for Swiss companies and JCC members to interact face-to-face. The JCC team could finally meet many of its key partners from Switzerland and target region, including Switzerland Global Enterprise (SGE), the Swiss Business Hub Russia, the Trade Point Central Asia, SECO and SERV in person. It felt great to be reunited once again.

Photo (Back: Left to right): Michael Kühn, Senior Consultant, Russia+CIS, SGE; Julie Bächtold, Senior Consultant, Swiss Business Hub Russia; Marcel Pawlicek, President, JCC; Pavel Ivanov, Director, Trade Point Central Asia and Commercial Councillor, Embassy of Switzerland in Kazakhstan; Artur Czerniewski, Director, Swiss Business Hub Russia; Simone Wyss-Fedele, CEO, SGE; Tony Moré,Head of Division, Europe & Central Asia, State Secreteriat for Economic Affairs (SECO); Verena Utzinger, Senior Relationship Manager, SERV.
(Front: Left to right): Dr. Anke Kästner, Senior Consultant, FARNER AG and long-time JCC member and Dorit Sallis, Managing Director, JCC.


Apr 07 2022


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