JCC launches Russia Chapter in Moscow

Secretary of State Marie-Gabrielle Ineichen-Fleisch was the keynote speaker at the JCC business conference co-organized with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (CCI RF) in Moscow on June 4. The conference titled“Regional Cooperation between Switzerland and Russia. New Horizons, New Connections” was organized on the occasion of the launch of JCC Russia. The JCC mission of cantonal representatives and companies that travelled to Moscow for these events interacted with Ambassador Yves Rossier and Swiss companies in Russia at a welcome reception held at Hotel Metropol on June 3, 2019. Following the conference on June 4, the JCC delegation visited Technopolis Moscow and crowned their short Moscow stay with a traditional Russian dinner at Restaurant Oblomov.

Tadzio Schilling, JCC Board Member based in Moscow, will head JCC Russia which aims to strengthen business ties between Swiss and Russian companies in cooperation with the Swiss Business Hub Moscow and Embassy of Switzerland in Russia. As Co-Chair of the Swiss-Russian Interregional Working Group of the Swiss-Russian Joint Economic Commission, JCC will continue its work to promote Russian regions in Switzerland and Swiss cantons in Russia, now also in the framework of its Russia representation.


Jun 04 2019


8:00 am - 6:00 pm
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