JCC signs MoU with Brest Free Economic Zone, Belarus

JCC and Brest Free Economic Zone signed an MoU on the occasion of the 10th Mixed Economic Meeting Switzerland-Belarus in Berne on June 20, 2018. The Swiss delegation was chaired by Ambassador Erwin Bollinger, Co-Chairman of the Joint Economic Commission,  Federal Council Delegate for Trade Agreements, SECO, Head of Bilateral Economic Relations. Mr. Evgeny Shestakov, Deputy Foreign Minister of the Republic of Belarus chaired the Belarusian Delegation.

On June 21, 2018 JCC in cooperation with the Embassy of Belarus in Switzerland and ABB organized a Switzerland-Belarus Business Roundtable at ABB Turgi. Members of the Belarusian delegation made presentations on economic and banking opportunities in Belarus. Representatives from ABB and Stadler, Swiss companies operating successfully in Belarus, showcased their enterprises.


Jun 20 2018
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