JCC Annual Flagship Conference

“Trade and Investment in Central Asia and the South Caucasus: Expanding Regional Cooperation and Improving Business Climate”

September 12, 2024  14:45-19:00
Hotel President Wilson, 47, Quai Wilson, 1211 Geneva

Over the last 20 years, the markets of Central Asia and the South Caucasus (Eurasia) have made significant economic progress with far-reaching growth prospects. Today, the countries of the region have a historic chance to take advantage of their transit position, and the opportunity to expand into external markets through emerging international transport corridors. For this economic potential to be fully tapped, there should be more intra-regional coordination and cooperation as well as an improved overall regulatory environment for trade and investment.

The Joint Chamber of Commerce Switzerland-Eastern Europe, Central Asia, South Caucasus (JCC) in partnership with JTI is hosting a business roundtable on the sidelines of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Annual Public Forum in Geneva to explore these issues. After a discussion of the opportunities and challenges of doing business in Eurasia, panelists will consider strategic approaches to strengthening the region’s trade and investment growth through even stronger economic cooperation.


14:00-14:45  Registration and Coffee

14:45  Welcome Statement
Dorit Sallis, Executive Director, Joint Chamber of Commerce Switzerland-Eastern Europe, Central Asia, South Caucasus (JCC)

14:50  Keynote Statement
Ambassador Andrea Rauber-Saxer, Head, Bilateral Economic Relations Divisions, Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)

Moderator: Philippe Monnier, President, Swiss International Society

15:10  Panel 1: Setting the Scene –  Identifying Trade and Investment Opportunities in Central Asia and the South Caucasus
H.E. Ambassador Kairat Sarzhanov, Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Switzerland
Murat Seitnepesov, President, Greater Caspian Association; Chairman, Integral Group
Henrik Eklund, VP MEA and Eastern Europe, Burckhardt Compression
Christof Lachat, Senior Sales Manager, MEA & Central Asia, Victorinox

16:15  Coffee Break 

16:45  Panel 2: Challenges to Trade & Investment and Possible Solutions
Ambassador Omar Sultanov
, Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to Switzerland
Ramunas Macius, Vice President for Fiscal Affairs and Anti-Illegal Trade, JTI
Nikolaus Kohler, Regional Managing Director Middle East / Central Asia, M&M Militzer & Münch International Holding AG
Jürgen Helmle, Director, Business Development Switzerland, LeverX
Andreas Ragaz, Co-Director, SECO Start-Up Fund (SSF)

17:45  Concluding Statement
H.E. Ambassador Tatiana Molcean, Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECE

18:00-19:00 Networking Reception


Registration to this event is mandatory if you wish to attend. Please do so by filling out the form on this page. 

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JCC Annual Flagship Conference

September 12, Hotel President Wilson, Geneva

Available Tickets: 90
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Sep 12 2024


2:45 pm - 7:00 pm
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