JCC chapters hold several webinars in April
The JCC Legal & Tax Chapter and JCC Russia Chapter held webinars on April 8 and 13, 2021, respectively. The focus was Russia – update on sanctions and transfer pricing when doing business in the Russian market.
The topic of the JCC Legal and Tax Chapter on April 8 was an “Update on Russian Sanctions” with a presentation by Dr. Maria Shagina, Fellow, Center for Eastern European Studies, University of Zurich. The session was moderated by Laurence Ponty, Chairwoman, JCC Legal and Tax Chapter and Lawyer, Archipel Geneva.
On April 13, the JCC Russia Chapter turned its attention to the topic of transfer pricing in Russia. Andreas Bitzi, Chairman of the JCC Russia Chapter and Managing Director, Quality Partners Russia made a presentation on the technical aspects of transfer pricing in the Russian market.