JCC partners on Afghanistan business roundtable
JCC together with the Center for Dialogue and Partnership organized a business roundtable on “Partnering with Afghanistan’s Private Sector to Provide Humanitarian and Essential Services”. It took place on February 6 at the Centre International de Conférences in Geneva. The roundtable which brought together diplomatic representatives, business leaders and economic experts examined ways to enable more private sector involvement in the delivery of humanitarian assistance and essential services to the people of Afghanistan who are living in dire socio-economic conditions, especially the female population.
Panelists discussed regulatory challenges, financial challenges and the exclusion of women from the economy. They identified steps to restore legitimate and credible financial mechanisms, streamline aid distribution mechanisms, enable more cross border trade and regional cooperation from neightboring countries. Support for women-led enterprises and involvement in women-led firms in provision of humanitarian assistance was highlighted as a priority.
Former political representatives and leading entrepreneurs from Afghanistan
with D. Sallis, JCC Managing Director.