JCC 2021 AGM takes place virtually
The Joint Chamber of Commerce (JCC) Annual General Meeting took place virtually on April 28, 2021. Marcel Pawlicek, JCC President and CEO Burckhardt Compression moderated the event and reported on JCC developments in 2020 and 2021. Daniel Schmid, Treasurer, presented the financials and Eric Mercanton, JCC Auditor his revision of the JCC accounts. The program of events were presented by Dorit Sallis, Director.
Five new board members were voted in. Representing JCC Western Switzerland, JCC welcomed Jean-Paul Periat, Chairman, Herculis Partners and Honorary Consul to Kazakhstan in Switzerland, Vincent Subilia, Director General, Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Geneva (CCIG) and Xavier Cornut, Senior Councillor, Cabinet Privé de Conseils SA. Jean-Paul Periat is Head of JCC Western Switzerland.
Filippo Lombardi, CEO, Swissconsult International SA was elected to the board as the Head of JCC Ticino.
Laurence Ponty, Counsel, Archipel Law and Head of the JCC Legal & Tax Chapter was approved for board membership as was Sven Henniger, Partner, Henniger & Winkelmann Consulting Ukraine and Head of the JCC Ukraine Chapter.
Dr. Stefan Ibing, Head, Legal CEE Pharma, Novartis International AG was voted in to replace Dr. Stefan Stroppel who has retired.
The participants were informed that JCC President Marcel Pawlicek had been approved as president for another three-year tenure by the board as per the Articles of Association.
The sizeable JCC board is an effective working body. Each member brings his or her expertise to the table and contributes actively to the Chamber’s development and program. JCC is fortunate to benefit from so many experienced representatives of the Swiss private and public sectors.
More information on the President and Board on our Board page.