Moldova-Swiss Business Webinar
“Economic Landscape and Investment Incentives 2025”
March 19, 2025 10:30 – 11:45 CET
JCC webinar in partnership with Swiss Textiles and Invest Moldova
10:30 Welcomes
Dorit Sallis, Managing Director, Joint Chamber of Commerce Switzerland-Eastern Europe, Central Asia, South Caucasus (JCC) & Moderator
Peter Fluckiger, Chairman of the Management Board, Swiss Textiles
10:35 – 10:45 Introductions
Natalia Bejan, Director, Invest Moldova
Guido Beltrani, Director, Swiss Cooperation Office in Moldova
10:45 – 11:00 “Overview of Moldova’s Economic Landscape and Priority Sectors as of 2025”
Victoria Spinu, Senior Investment Advisor, Invest Moldova
11:00 – 11:15 “EFTA-Moldova Free Trade Agreement and the State Aid Scheme for Investment”
Victor Poparcea, Senior Investment Advisor, Invest Moldova
11:15 – 11:30 Testimonial of a Swiss Manufacturing Company in Moldova
Stefan Birau, General Director, Lafarge Moldova
11:30 – 11:45 Q&A/ Discussion
To participate in the webinar it is mandatory to register by filling out the electronic form on this page. We will send you the ZOOM link on the morning of the event.