Ukrainian agribusiness continues growing
Ukraine has traditionally been known as the breadbasket of Europe, accounting for about 25% of the world most fertile black soil. Agriculture is currently the most important economic sector in Ukraine which is a global leader in agricultural products. It is the world’s largest exporter of sunflower oil and one of the top exporters of grains.
As part of the JCC Ukraine Chapter program, a webinar, moderated by Sven Henniger, Head, JCC Ukraine Chapter and Partner at Henniger Winkelmann Consulting, was held on 17 June on the topic “Ukraine’s Agribusiness: New Opportunities”.
Keynote speaker at this event was Dr. Alex Lissitsa, President of Ukrainian Agribusiness Club and CEO of Warsaw Stock Exchange listed agricultural company IMC. According to Dr. Lissitsa, the following factors have to be addressed in order to keep Ukrainian agriculture on the road to success:
- Land management
- Water scarcity due to climate change
- Rural development and social responsibility
- Increasing commodity prices
- Coronavirus consequences
- Technological improvements
- Lack of human capital
Dr. Lissitsa emphasized the need for qualified human resources. Development of technology and digitization in agriculture makes him personally optimistic that IT-savvy Ukrainians will be motivated to go into agriculture in the future. Hence his slogan: “Make agribusiness in Ukraine sexy again!”
We take this opportunity to thank Alex Lissitsa for his interesting and inspiring presentation. A big thank you goes to Dorit Sallis from JCC for organising the event and to the Ambassador of Ukraine in Switzerland, Artem Rybchenko, for his active support of the webinar
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